Ireland’s National Open Research Forum

Established in 2017 to guide and progress Open Research in Ireland, the National Open Research Forum (NORF) has developed national objectives and priorities for this key policy agenda, most recently through the National Action Plan for Open Research 2022–2030, published and delivered under Impact 2030: Ireland’s Research and Innovation Strategy.

NORF is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research and Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) through the Higher Education Authority (HEA). It is managed by the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI), which is headquartered under the legal entity of the Royal Irish Academy (RIA).

National Action Plan for Open Research cover page

National Action Plan for Open Research

Ireland’s National Action Plan for Open Research 2022-2030 which was published in the DRI repository in November 2022, outlines objectives and actions for the next chapter in Ireland’s transition towards open research. It serves as a roadmap for the implementation of open research across Ireland, outlining national goals and coordinated actions that will assist the Irish research system as a whole to better support open research practices. 

The National Action Plan is structured according to three themes: Establishing a culture of open research; achieving 100% open access to research publications; and enabling FAIR research data and other outputs.

The National Action Plan has been endorsed by over 50 national and international stakeholder organisations.

Open Research Fund projects

In 2022, NORF awarded funding to six collaborative projects to implement priority actions in the National Action Plan for Open Research 2022-2030. In 2023, NORF awarded funding to a further 13 projects, four under the Strand I: Priority Actions funding call and nine under the Strand II: Open Research Stimulus funding call. By building national capacity and infrastructure for open research, these projects will support the visibility and impact of Irish research and help progress Ireland’s strategic goals for research and innovation under Impact 2030: Ireland’s Research and Innovation Strategy.

NORF outputs

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