National Action Plan for Open Research
Ireland’s National Action Plan for Open Research outlines objectives and actions for the next chapter in Ireland’s transition towards open research. The action plan serves as a roadmap for the implementation of open research across Ireland, outlining national goals and coordinated actions that will assist the research system as a whole to better support open research practices. The plan covers the period 2022-2030 and will be subject to periodic assessment and updates.
The process of developing the action plan was led by Ireland’s National Open Research Forum (NORF), a broad group that combines the expertise of representatives from policy, research funding organisations, research performing organisations, the library sector, research infrastructures, enterprise and other key stakeholders in the research system across Ireland.
Stakeholder organisations that have endorsed the National Action Plan are listed below. Further endorsements from national research stakeholder organisations are welcome by contacting
List of Endorsing

Atlantic Technological University

Consortium of National and University Libraries

Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine

Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications

Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science

Digital Repository of Ireland

Dublin City University

Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies

Dundalk Institute of Technology


Environmental Protection Agency

European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Association

Geological Survey Ireland

HEAnet, Ireland's National Education & Research Network

Health Research Board

Health Research Charities Ireland

Higher Education Authority

IMBAS, An Irish Forum for Arts Practice Researchers and Artists

Institute of Art, Design and Technology Dún Laoghaire


Irish Centre for High-end Computing

Irish Humanities Alliance

Irish Open Access Publishers

Irish Qualitative Data Archive

Irish Universities Association (IUA)

IUA Librarians' Group

Knowledge Transfer Ireland

Lero, SFI Research Centre for Software

Library Association of Ireland (LAI)

LAI Library Publishing Group

LAI Open Scholarship Group

Marine Institute

Mary Immaculate College

Maynooth University

Munster Technological University

National Library of Ireland

National Research Integrity Forum

Open Data Initiative, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

Open Scholarship Community Galway

Quality and Qualifications Ireland

Research Data Alliance

Research Ireland

Royal Irish Academy

Royal College of Surgeons Ireland

South East Technological University

Teagasc, Agriculture and Food Development Authority

Technological Higher Education Association (THEA)

THEA Librarian's Group

Technological University Dublin

Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest

Trinity College Dublin

Tusla, Child and Family Agency

University College Cork

University College Dublin

University of Galway