2025 Open Research Fund
The NORF 2025 Open Research Fund is a targeted call aimed at existing networks formed in response to the implementation of priority actions funded under the NORF 2022 Open Research Fund.
The NORF 2025 Open Research Fund is provided by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science through the Higher Education Authority. The funds are administered by the Digital Repository of Ireland as the coordinating organisation for NORF, headquatered under the legal entity of the Royal Irish Academy.
NORF 2025 Open Research Fund Call
A3.4 of the National Action Plan for Open Research 2022-2030 sets out a role for the National Open Research Forum to “support institutional and community networks for open research”. In line with A3.4, NORF has supported a variety of research networks in successive funding schemes formed in response to requests for expressions of interest for proposals to address priority actions in the National Action Plan for Open Research.
The NORF 2025 Open Research Fund recognises the value of its prior investments in response to a defined need and aims to support these networks as they transition from grant-funded projects to self-sustaining entities. It ensures network funding applications can be reviewed and benchmarked through an open and transparent process aligned with best practice.
Key Dates
27 March 2025 Call opens
16 April 2025 FAQ deadline
7 May 2025 Submission deadline (with research office endorsement)
June 2025 Call outcome / contracting
July 2025 Earliest award start date
September 2025 Latest award start date
Application Process
All applications must be submitted via this Jotform (https://form.jotform.com/250844105906354) by 17:00 (Irish local time) Wednesday, 7 May 2025.
- Adherence to the specified deadlines is mandatory. Late submissions will not be considered.
- Applications must be submitted in PDF format.
- Applications must be submitted by the Lead Applicant.
- All applications require endorsement from the lead institution’s research office prior to submission.
What is the difference between a Network Partner and a Network Affiliate?
A Network Partner is an individual or organisation that plays an active role in the collaboration, development, and delivery of the network’s objectives. Network partners may request funding from the award and contribute expertise, infrastructure, or resources to strengthen the network’s impact and sustainability. They are required to sign a Consortium Agreement within three months of the project start date.
A Network Affiliate, on the other hand, is an individual or organisation that contributes to the network in an advisory or governance capacity, such as serving on advisory boards, oversight committees, or steering groups. Affiliates do not directly undertake network activities or tasks and are not eligible for funding from the award. They are not required to sign a Consortium Agreement.
Clarifications regarding eligible costs
The budget table in the application form outlines potential costs under the subcategories of personnel costs, other direct costs, and overheads. Please note that the areas identified within these subcategories are suggestions; please remove any that are not applicable and add other areas as needed. In relation to personnel, costs for both existing staff and/or newly hired staff for the project are eligible. Buy out costs for permanent existing staff are allowed (to support existing staff participation in a project through buy out of teaching or other duties), and must be clearly justified as with other costs. Equipment costs needed to implement the proposed project are eligible (i.e., infrastructure and associated services). FAIR data management costs refer to data management costs for data generated by the project and incurred within the lifetime of the project (i.e., necessary to manage, store, and archive data produced by, during and about the project).
Do Lead Applicants and network partners need to be named individuals?
Yes, persons leading organisational involvement and responsible for delivery are required for the Lead Applicant and any partners. It is understood that contributing personnel or persons executing the project may be subject to change.
Do (maximum) budget ranges include overhead costs?
Yes, budget ranges in the call include overhead costs (to be calculated as 25% of full salary costs).
Are in-kind contributions or co-funding permitted?
Yes, in-kind contributions or co-funding by the lead applicant and/or project partners is permissible. Such contributions must be clearly indicated and itemised within the proposed budget.
Are co-leads allowed or must there be a single lead applicant?
The inclusion of co-leads is permissible, however an administrative lead should be identified for the purposes of administration of the scheme, such as for communication, progress reporting, and financial transfers.
Is an all-island approach permitted by the funding?
The inclusion of partners in support of an all-island approach is permissible, however proposers should ensure that appropriate governance and oversight arrangements will be in place between partners (e.g. through a grant agreement) for management of funding and reporting processes.
Contact Details
For more information on the NORF 2025 Open Research Fund call, contact: