
This page predominantly features blogs from NORF-funded research projects and initiatives, along with workshop summary reports.

Blog: ‘Standardising Funder Identifiers to ROR’

Blog: ‘Standardising Funder Identifiers to ROR’

Read the recent University of Galway Library blog post by Dr Cillian Joy,  Head of Open and Digital Research at the University of Galway Library, and member of the PID Task Force who helped prepare Ireland’s National Persistent Identifier (PID) Strategy...

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NORF All Projects Workshop 2024 summary

NORF All Projects Workshop 2024 summary

On 25 October 2024, the National Open Research Forum (NORF) hosted a meeting with the nineteen NORF-funded open research projects at the Royal Irish Academy (RIA), Dublin.This event, which was predominantly in person, focused on progressing selected action areas...

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QSA*Net co-host event on Open Research Initiatives

QSA*Net co-host event on Open Research Initiatives

On 22 October 2024, during Maynooth University’s Research Week, the NORF-funded project QSA*Net: Promoting Open Research in Qualitative Social Science co-hosted a hybrid event titled 'Current Open Research Initiatives at Maynooth University'. The recording is...

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Connecting the evidence-for-policy and open research agendas

Connecting the evidence-for-policy and open research agendas

In this blog Patrice McCormack and Ian Marder of the NORF funded project, Embedding a culture of interdisciplinary open research in Ireland’s criminal justice sector through a national Researcher-Practitioner/Policymaker Partnership, report on the conference, “What next for Irish Public Policy Development?”, at ILAS Auditorium, University of Galway, 28 May 2024.

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Department of Justice hosts agenda-setting CORD Partnership workshop

Department of Justice hosts agenda-setting CORD Partnership workshop

In this blog, Ian Marder of the NORF funded project, Embedding a culture of interdisciplinary open research in Ireland’s criminal justice sector through a national Researcher-Practitioner/Policymaker Partnership, reports on the Criminal justice Open Research Dialogue (CORD) Partnership’s third workshop of 2024, held at the Department of Justice on 11 July 2024.

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Webinar: Open Monograph Publishing in the Humanities and Social Sciences Hosted by Irish Open Access Publishers (IOAP) with support by National Open Research Forum (NORF)

Webinar: Open Monograph Publishing in the Humanities and Social Sciences Hosted by Irish Open Access Publishers (IOAP) with support by National Open Research Forum (NORF)

In this post, Beth Tyrrell and Lai Ma of the NORF-funded project, “Cultivating Open Research Culture in the Humanities and Social Sciences” describe a webinar they hosted on Open Monograph Publishing in the Humanities and Social Sciences on the 26th April 2024. The webinar brought together international experts and Irish publishing pioneers for a discussion on Open Access Monographs grounded in practical working solutions by adapting the Diamond OA model.

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Recent Posts
NORF and DRI at the RDA 24th Virtual Plenary

NORF and DRI at the RDA 24th Virtual Plenary

The Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) and the National Open Research Forum (NORF) are looking forward to attending the 24th Research Data Alliance (RDA) Virtual Plenary on 7–11 April 2025. This fully virtual meeting will feature keynote presentations on the theme of...

Project update: Pilot Training on Responsible Use of Research Metrics (RURM)

Launch of New Responsible Use of Research Metrics (RURM) Resource

We are excited to announce the launch of a new national resource for the Responsible Use of Research Metrics (RURM). This initiative is dedicated to promoting fair and responsible research assessment practices and is designed to support researchers, institutions, and...

Directory of Irish Diamond OA Journals

Directory of Irish Diamond OA Journals

The Publish OA Directory of Irish Diamond OA Journals, a valuable resource for researchers, librarians, and anyone interested in open access publishing in Ireland, now lists 55 journals. This directory provides a comprehensive, searchable list of Irish Diamond Open...