Beyond Transformative Agreements: Looking at Alternatives of Supporting Sustainable and Inclusive Open Access
Organiser(s): Susan Reilly
Director of Irish Research Electronic Library (IReL)
The workshop will be divided into two parts. The first part will consist of a presentation and discussion focusing on data and analysis of what IReL has achieved so far through its transformative agreements. The second part of the workshop will consist of a panel session where expert panellists will be asked to present proposals for ways that IReL could support OA beyond transformative agreements. Participants will be invited to discuss and vote on proposals.
In order to facilitate a free flowing discussion and open ideation the Chatham House Rule will apply: particpants will be free to use the information received in the workshop but may not share the identity or affiliation of the speaker or other workshop participants.
Susan Reilly became the first Director of IReL in 2022. IReL is the national e-resource licencing consortium and over the last 3 years has made significant advancements in in supporting Open Access to Irish research. Susan has spent most of her career working in and with research libraries on emerging issues and services such as digital libraries, open research and research data management. She co-chairs the LIBER Copyright Working Group, the IFLA OA Taskforce and is on the Policy Committee of Knowledge Rights 21.