Pilot Training for Responsible Use of Research Metrics

Lead investigator: Professor Grace Mulcahy, Research Integrity Officer, Professor, Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology at University College Dublin. Grace.mulcahy@ucd.ie

Project primary contact:  Dr. Colleen Thomas Colleen.thomas@ucd.ie

Lead administrative institution:  University College Dublin

Funding call:  2023 Open Research Fund. Strand II: Open Research Stimulus

National Action Plan theme: Theme 1: Establishing a culture of open research

Develop a national statement on the adoption of responsible research metrics (RRM) by all stakeholders in the Irish research system, including oversight and mechanisms to ensure compliance. Encourage ongoing implementation and embedding of RRM into all relevant processes and policies e.g. recruitment and promotion, quality reviews, strategic planning, career development frameworks, grant applications, peer review etc

Governance:  Consortium agreement in place between partner institutions University College Dublin, Dublin City University, University College Cork, Technological University of the Shannon.

Overview of the project:  The project proposes pilot training on the Responsible Use of Research Metrics (RURM) through an online, accessible module for those involved in recruitment, research assessment, and promotion decisions, co-designed with the research community.  Based on feedback, it will be refined to facilitate scale-up as an Open Education Resource (OER). Pilot testing will involve cohorts representing a range of disciplines and career stages. Participants will be recruited via multi-disciplinary research institutes at UCD and partnering HEIs. The module will be delivered through UCD’s virtual learning environment software – Brightspace, and will be made available through opencourses.ie, or similar platform, for external participants. The content will be evaluated from the continuous assessment built into the training itself. Metrics including assessment scores will inform quantitative evaluation. The process and delivery will be evaluated qualitatively by voluntary follow-on interviews with participants.

Additional project-related information: Quality training is key to advancing knowledge of the responsible use of research metrics. Currently in Ireland, there is a gap in infrastructure for training the research community on RURM for recruitment, research assessment and career progression. The project proposes to develop an online training module on RURM, co-designed with representatives of the research community, and ensuring accessibility in line with Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles.  By convening an inclusive group of stakeholders, the proposal addresses Action A3.2.1 and progresses the adoption of system-level changes. The training module will be piloted, and then following analysis of the feedback, refined with the anticipated outcome that the module can be adoptable, adaptable and available nationally. It will be open to student and staff researchers at all career stages, and will aim to be inclusive, with information on the programme and an invitation to participate extended to technical and research management cohorts, as well as to academics, post-doctoral research associates and graduate students. This system-level change and buy-in is critical to reduce any potential ‘first mover’ disadvantage to individual academics and institutions that implement evaluation reform, by working closely together to ensure a consistent and common approach that benefits all members of the research community.

Three logos from the National Open Research Forum, the Higher Education Authority and the Government of Ireland