A Review of Open Research in Connected Health Ecosystems in Ireland

Lead investigator: Professor Kalpana Shankar at University College Dublin. Kalpana.shankar@ucd.ie
Lead administrative institution: University College Dublin
Funding call: Open Research Fund 2023. Strand II: Open Research Stimulus 2023
Project website: www.openresearchinhealth.com

National action plan theme: Theme 1: Establishing a culture of open research
A6.1 Coordinate Ireland’s open research agenda.
Overview of the project: The goal of A Review of Open Research in Health Ecosystems in Ireland (ROCHE) is to understand policies, practices, challenges, and opportunities for open research in commercialisable research, particularly in Digital/Connected Health research and innovation in Ireland. Through interviews with stakeholders and policy analysis, ROCHE will benchmark the state of the art in Ireland against comparator countries; investigate knowledge and practice in both publicly-funded research performing organisations and the private sector; and provide guidance for funders, research and innovation support staff, and other stakeholders.
Resources and outputs: Through the dissemination of findings and networking events, ROCHE will promote the adoption of open research principles and policies in public-private research partnerships, identify opportunities and needs, and help support the development of an action plan for the sector.