A Review of Open Research in Connected Health Ecosystems in Ireland

Professor Kalpana Shankar of University College Dublin presenting at a Sonrai event in University College Cork.
Professor Kalpana Shankar of University College Dublin presenting at a Sonraí event in University College Cork.

Lead investigator:  Professor Kalpana Shankar at University College Dublin. Kalpana.shankar@ucd.ie

Lead administrative institution:  University College Dublin

Funding call:  Open Research Fund 2023. Strand II: Open Research Stimulus 2023

Project website:  www.openresearchinhealth.com


Review of Open research in Connected Health Ecosystems<br />
in Ireland - ROCHE logo

National action plan theme: Theme 1: Establishing a culture of open research

A6.1 Coordinate Ireland’s open research agenda.

Overview of the project:  The goal of A Review of Open Research in Health Ecosystems in Ireland (ROCHE) is to understand policies, practices, challenges, and opportunities for open research in commercialisable research, particularly in Digital/Connected Health research and innovation in Ireland. Through interviews with stakeholders and policy analysis, ROCHE will benchmark the state of the art in Ireland against comparator countries; investigate knowledge and practice in both publicly-funded research performing organisations and the private sector; and provide guidance for funders, research and innovation support staff, and other stakeholders.

Resources and outputs: Through the dissemination of findings and networking events, ROCHE will promote the adoption of open research principles and policies in public-private research partnerships, identify opportunities and needs, and help support the development of an action plan for the sector.

Three logos from the National Open Research Forum, the Higher Education Authority and the Government of Ireland