Cultivating an Open Research Culture in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Dr Lai Ma presenting at the National Open Research Festival 2023 at the Royal Irish Academy
Dr Lai Ma of University College Dublin

Lead investigator: Dr Lai Ma, Assistant Professor at University College Dublin

Lead administrative institution: University College Dublin

Funding call: 2023 Open Research Fund. Strand II: Open Research Stimulus 

National Action Plan theme: Theme 1: Establish a culture of open research

Overview of the project: Open research is often associated with the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) disciplines. Sometimes it is referred to as ‘open science’—a term that encompasses practices related to open data, open code, open methodology, open peer review, and open access. Open research practices are significant for dissemination, replicability, reproducibility, and transparency in STEM research. But why is open research important for the humanities and social sciences? How can we encourage early career researchers to engage in open research practices? What are the perceived challenges faced by researchers and scholars?

The overall objective of the project is to foster a culture of open research in the humanities and social sciences (HSS) by:

  • building an open research network of researchers and practitioners (HSS)
  • providing training in open research practices
  • understanding the tensions between open research and research assessments
  • exploring the rewards and recognition systems in supporting open research, including funding programmes and awards

Additional project-related information: The 4th Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities Conference (RESSH) will be held in Galway on May 23-24, 2024. The theme of the conference is “Open Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Evaluation, Infrastructure and Practices” with the goal of stimulating discussions about the tension between open research and research evaluation criteria, the best practices of promoting open research culture, and the societal impacts of open research. Conference website:

Three logos from the National Open Research Forum, the Higher Education Authority and the Government of Ireland