The National Open Research Forum is pleased to announce that Dr Michelle Doran has been appointed to the Governance Working Group for the UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Association. Dr Doran is a project manager for NORF, which is coordinated by the Digital Repository of Ireland.
The Governance Working Group has been tasked with developing a draft plan for the Association’s governance, membership, and elections. Dr Doran stated that:
The core values of the UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Association and the values of Open Research are closely aligned. I’m delighted to bring my expertise in both areas to the Governance Working Group to propose a governance structure for the Association.
The members of the Governance Working Group are:
- Michelle Doran (Digital Repository of Ireland)
- Natasha Hodgson (Nottingham Trent University)
- Christina Kamposiori (Research Libraries UK)
- Adam Linson (Open University)
- Amelia McConville (DARIAH-EU)
- Antonina Puchkovskaia (King’s College London)
- Mia Ridge (British Library)
- Cassie Ulph (University of Leeds)
There will be opportunities to engage with the group and provide feedback on the proposals throughout 2024.