NORF is delighted to launch ‘Efficiency and Insight: A cost-benefit analysis for a central support service to support persistent identifier implementation in the Republic of Ireland’.

Cover for ‘Efficiency and Insight: A cost-benefit analysis for a central support service to support persistent identifier implementation in the Republic of Ireland’.

Posted by Maeve O'Brien

2 May 2024

Blog | Event | News | PID

The National Open Research Forum is delighted to launch ‘Efficiency and Insight: A cost-benefit analysis for a central support service to support persistent identifier implementation in the Republic of Ireland’. This is the first of two publications in the NORF-led project to produce a National Persistent Identifier (PID) Roadmap. 

To help deliver this, NORF has commissioned the MoreBrains Cooperative to carry out a review and analysis of the Irish landscape. Their work has included conducting a national survey and carrying out community consultations through workshops and focus groups. They have been supported in their work by a national taskforce. We would like to thank everyone who got involved in these community consultations and helped with this work.

Lisa Griffith, Director of the Digital Repository of Ireland, the Coordinating body for NORF and chairperson of the National PID taskforce, welcomed the publication of the Cost-Benefit Analysis saying:

This work cuts across all three themes in the Action Plan: Establishing a culture of open research, Achieving 100% open access to research publications, and Enabling FAIR research data and other outputs. Thanks to MoreBrains Cooperative, the National PID Taskforce, and the community participants who have helped to produce a thorough and thoughtful report that looks at the many ways the research community, national institutions and society at large can benefit from an increased uptake in PID usage.’


Phill Jones, Digital & Technology lead for MoreBrains Cooperative added:

‘Persistent identifiers are a critical component of the National Action Plan for Open Research, which identifies four priority PIDs. Our analysis shows that investment to support widespread adoption of these PIDs would generate considerable time and cost savings for Ireland’s higher education institutions. PID adoption also aligns strongly with European and global Open Research policy agendas, representing an opportunity for Ireland to demonstrate international leadership and engagement.’

The report will be launched at a webinar on 2 May 2:30pm ‘How the Irish Research Community Can Benefit from Widespread PID Adoption’ where Phill Jones of MoreBrains Cooperative will speak about how the report was produced and its main findings.

There are several upcoming community events including a webinar on 5 June looking at how the PID strategy was developed: ‘Developing a national PID strategy in consultation with the Irish research community’, a hybrid workshop 17 May ‘Empowering an Irish National PID Strategy’, and a final project webinar on 25 June at 2:00pm ‘Announcing the national PID strategy and roadmap for Ireland’. 

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