TROPIC project presented at RESSH 2024 and Sonraí Data Stewardship Conferences

Posted by Chris Burbidge

13 August 2024

Talks by Dr. Dounia Lakhzoum, at RESSH 2024 in Galway, and by Dr. Dermot Lynott, at the Sonraí Data Stewardship Conference in Cork

Dr. Dounia Lakhzoum presented some of the key findings from the NORF-Funded TRaining for OPen research in an Irish Context (TROPIC) project’s survey on open research practices in Ireland at RESSH2024 (Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities – RESSH took place at the University of Galway in May, and Dounia highlighted differences in engagement in open research practices according to preferred research methodology and academic discipline, and outlined some of the ways TROPIC’s training programme will seek to address these differences.

Meanwhile, at the first Sonraí Data Stewardship Conference (, held at UCC in June, Dr. Dermot Lynott provided an overview of the TROPIC project. Dermot described some of the issues faced by researchers, including poor reproducibility, incomplete methods, lack of data sharing, and a general lack of transparency throughout the research cycle. In order to improve the situation for researchers, the TROPIC project is taking a skills-focussed approach to training in open research, to bridge that gap between awareness and engagement, and to provide training that is accessible regardless of whether a researcher comes from a humanities, sciences, or social sciences background.

Slides from both presentations are available on TROPIC’s project page: 

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