NORF welcomes new Project Manager

Posted by Michelle Doran

8 September 2022

We are pleased to welcome Dr Michelle Doran in her new role as project manager for NORF. In her new role, Michelle supports NORF, liaising with projects successful in securing funding from the NORF 2022 Open Research Fund and supporting NORF communications and engagement.

Michelle has a background in research and project management. Prior to this appointment, she was a project officer and research fellow at the Trinity College Dublin, Centre for Digital Humanities (DH@TCD) where she supported the smooth operation of DH@TCD’s suite of national and international research projects, and core academic activities. She also served as Irish Principal Investigator of the UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Network, a project funded by the AHRC/IRC to undertake research and consultation towards the implementation of a permanent Digital Humanities association for the UK and Ireland.

Michelle holds a PhD in Early and Medieval Irish Studies and an MA in Digital Humanities.

We look forward to working with Michelle in her new role supporting Ireland’s transition to an open research environment.

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