Open Insight Sessions: One Year with the Irish Monitor

Green and white graphic with the National Open Access Monitor logo in the left hand corner and the text 'Ireland Open Insight Sessions: One Year with the Irish Monitor'. There is a large 1 design and graphs and charts visible on the right-hand side.

Posted by norf

12 February 2025

On 18 November 2024, the Irish Research e-Library (IReL) confirmed the extension of their agreement with OpenAIRE to develop and roll-out the National Open Access Monitor. The original contract, which ended in June 2024, has now been extended for a further ten (10) months, until the end of April 2025.

In March 2024, the National Open Research Forum (NORF), IReL and OpenAIRE jointly launched the pilot National Open Access Monitor, providing a cornerstone in Ireland’s move towards a fully open access research ecosystem. In the months following the launch, additional informational materials were shared with users and stakeholders, while at the same time organising support events regarding the Monitor, to promote engagement and adoption.

In order to further support the project, IReL and OpenAIRE have compiled an exciting programme of online events, planned for the coming months, to better engage with and support the Irish Research community.

Below is a detailed schedule of the webinars that have been organised, their themes, structure and summary of content:

Thursday, 12 December, 2024 12:00 (GMT)
‘A Year in Review & OpenOrg Sprint’
A review of Year 1’s milestones and achievements. Introductory “Monitor Essentials” demo for new users.
Short demo and interactive session on OpenOrgs deduplication for RPOs, with Q&A and attendee input.
Watch the recording of this session and view the presentation slides

Thursday, 23 January, 2025 12:00 (GMT)
‘Data Quality & Text Mining Q&A’
Presentation on data quality practices in the Monitor, recent updates, and the role of AI and text mining in enhancing Monitor insights. Q&A with the data quality team, covering data consistency, deduplication, and text mining applications.
Watch the recording of this session and view the presentation slides

Thursday, 13 February, 2025 12:00 (GMT)
‘Strengthening Collaboration: Monitor & Repository Integration’
Overview of repositories’ role in supporting national Open Access goals, with a focus on best practices for data integration. Practical guidance on repository data integration, focusing on interoperability, and OpenAIRE Provide, with hands-on examples.
Watch the recording of this session

Thursday, 13 March, 2025 12:00 (GMT)
Monitor Challenges & Usability’
Panel discussion with RPO/RFO representatives on challenges and feedback on usability and integration. Live feedback session with users to pinpoint challenges and gather improvement suggestions.
Register via Zoom

Thursday, 10 April, 2025 12:00 (GMT)
Future Pathways & Community Insights’
Reflections on Pilot successes and challenges, with guest insights from PathOS and other projects on monitoring Open Science. Open discussion on potential ways to extend the benefits of the Monitor within Ireland’s Open Access landscape, with ideas for fostering long-term value and sustainability.
Register via Zoom

IReL looks forward to continuing their collaboration with OpenAIRE, to further develop the Monitor and expand the Irish open access landscape, while at the same time ensuring the continued support of all users.

About IReL (Irish Research e-Library)

The Irish Research e-Library is a consortium of Irish research libraries. Established in 2004, it provides participating member institutions with access to a wide range of licensed e-resources, open access publishing agreements with over twenty publishers, and open research infrastructure. IReL is hosted by Maynooth University.  IReL has endorsed the NORF Action Plan, in particular its goal that by 2030 Ireland will have implemented a sustainable and inclusive course for achieving 100% open access to research publications.

About OpenAIRE

OpenAIRE is a Non-Profit Partnership, established in 2018 as a legal entity, OpenAIRE AMKE, to ensure a permanent open scholarly communication infrastructure and support research in Europe and beyond. OpenAIRE is making Open Science happen, collectively and in practical ways. Its fields of expertise and activities include services, policies, and training. Operating since 2009, OpenAIRE is an integral part and a leading force behind the European Open Science Cloud developments.

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