On 28 September 2022, the Department for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) hosted Ireland’s first European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) National Tripartite Event at the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Pearse St, Dublin. The event was attended by fifty senior stakeholder representatives from Government bodies, Research Performing Organisations, Research Funding Organisations, ERICs and ESFRI projects.
During the event, Daniel Bangert, Ireland’s National Open Research Coordinator and coordinator of the National Open Research Forum (NORF), presented an overview of recent progress in Ireland’s Open Science strategy, including the development of a National Action Plan for Open Research and the establishment of the National Open Research Fund.
A key takeaway from the event was the community focused approach of the Tripartite governance structure.
“The Open Science paradigm affects the whole research cycle and all its stakeholders”, said Thomas Neidenmark, Policy Officer at the European Commission Open Science Unit, “Implementing the EOSC is a community-driven process.”
Read more: https://www.eosc.eu/news/kicking-eosc-tripartite-events-ireland