Save the Date! Launch of the National Persistent Identifier Strategy and Roadmap

Posted by Michelle Doran

13 September 2024

25 October, 10:00-10:45 | Royal Irish Academy, Dublin and Online

We are delighted to announce that Ireland’s National Persistent Identifier (PID) Strategy and Roadmap, Impact, Openness, Interoperability: Recommendations and a Roadmap for an Irish National PID Strategy, will be launched during a meeting of the nineteen NORF-funded open research projects on Friday, 25 October, 10:00-10:45. Further details will be made available over the coming weeks. For now, make sure to mark the dates in your diary!

This is the final output in the NORF-led project to develop a national roadmap for the adoption of a range of Peristent Identifiers in accordance with A.4.4.2 of the National Action Plan for Open Research 2022-2030. Earlier this year, we published Efficiency and Insight: A cost-benefit analysis for a central support service to support persistent identifier implementation in the Republic of Ireland.

To help deliver this, NORF commissioned the scholarly communications consultants MoreBrains Cooperative to carry out a review and analysis of the Irish landscape. Their work has included conducting a national survey and carrying out community consultations through workshops and focus groups. They have been supported in their work by a national taskforceWe would like to thank everyone who got involved in these community consultations and helped with this work.

Up-to-date information on the National Persistent Identifer (PID) Strategy and Roadmap project are available here:

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