Webinar: ‘Ten Approaches to Rights Retention in Europe’


Posted by norf

12 February 2025

On Thursday, 20 February 2025 at 12 p.m. (UTC) SPARC Europe, under the Retain project as part of the Knowledge Rights 21 programme, hosted a webinar which aimed to empower institutions who are considering facilitating legal Open Access (OA) publishing by supporting their authors’ rights retention. Key findings and recommendations from the upcoming Retain SPARC Europe report were shared, featuring insights from ten countries across Europe.

Watch back the webinar on the Knowledge Rights 21 programme’s YouTube channel.

The panel of international expert speakers for this event includes Eoin O’Dell, Trinity College Dublin, lead principal investigator (PI) of the NORF-funded SCOIR project.

SCOIR (Secondary rights, Copyright, Open access, Institutional policies, and Rights retention) is funded under the NORF Open Research Fund 2023. Strand I: Priority Actions. Co-led by Trinity College Dublin and TU Dublin, the project aims to achieve the objectives outlined by NORF by drafting secondary rights legislation for Ireland and by creating an open access and rights retention (RR) policy framework for institutions and funders. The potential impact of secondary rights legislation on institutional RR policies will be considered alongside the existing policy landscape and the recommendations of the National Action Plan for Open Research 2022-2030, National Open Research Landscape Report, Copyright Legislation to Support Rights Retention Policy Brief.

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